Friday, December 10, 2010

Revisione Esame Finale d'Italiano; Dicembre 2010

Materiale del esame:

I. Mettere i soggetti dal singolare al plurale
II. Articoli determinativi ed indeterminativi
III. I numeri
IV. Coniugazione dei verbi ESSERE ed AVERE
V. Coniugazione dei verbi regolari ed irregolari al presente indicativo
VI. I verbi modali
VII. C'è e ci sono
VIII. I mesi e le stagioni
IX. Direzioni: destra, sinistra, sotto, su, ecc.
X. Coniugazione dei verbi al passato prossimo

Se avete dei dubiti, mi potete scrivere in qualche momento.

Dopo vi scriverò degli esercizi di prattica e dettagli della grammatica del esame.

Buona Fortuna e buon fine settimana!
Signorina Dimas

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greek Art and Architecture Project

World History Students,

I've been having problems with the blogger website all weekend so I apologize for not having been able to post up the instuctions for the proyect beforehand. I'll understand if a few you of you will not be able to have the project ready by tomorrow, although the majority of you already knew what was supposed to be done as I explained the project in all of the classes except in one. So, taking that into consideration, I am granting the leeway of one extra day (Tuesday)for those of you who absolutely need it.

Here are the instructions:

You are to take pictures of yourselves with structures, buildings, sculptures, and/or statues that you feel have a kind of Greek influence or inheritance in style. Keep in mind the characteristics of Greek art we discussed in class and that were written on the board.

Your are also to explain how you believe those structures, sculptures, etc. have inhereted that Greek influence.

You are to post both the pictures and explanations on a poster board or construction paper to bring to class and show to the rest of your classmates as well as myself.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time.

Take care and good luck!
Ms. Dimas

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

World CULTURES Students:

Here is the documentary on Burma I promised. As you know, all you have to do is click on the subsequent links to watch the rest of it. If you are interested in watching it and handing in a review for bonus points (as well as any of the other films from any of the other countries we have discussed or are currently discussing) you are more than welcome to. You can ask me about this via email or in the next class.

Take care!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Studentesse d'Italiano: Il video di Manu Chao che vi ho promesso

Manu Chao - A Cosa

Che cosa?
Che cosa?

Che cosa vuoi da me?
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi di più?

Che cosa vuoi da me?
Che cosa posso dare?
Che cosa inventare?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di più?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?

Che cosa vuoi provare?
Che cosa vuoi tentare?
Che cosa vuoi spezzare?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di più?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?

Che cosa vuoi sognare? (Che cosa vuoi lasciare?)
Che cosa vuoi tentare? (Che cosa inventare?)
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi capire? (Che cosa vuoi ancora?)
Che cosa vuoi tentare? (Che cosa?)

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di più?
Che cosa vuoi di più?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Todos, todos.

Por tuo amor, por tuo amor,
todo lo daría.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ancient Greece Test Review (Part 1)

Chapter 3 Section 3:

-You should now that the Minoan civilization served as a base for the development of later Greek Civilization

-How was it that they influenced later Greek culture?

-About Minoan myths, in particular, their most famous mythological creature.

-The importance of sports in Minoan culture, which sport was widely practiced?

-The importance of women in Minoan culture.

-About Minoan religious sacrifices.

-About Phoenician achievements, both technological and cultural. (Navigation, written language, cultural diffusion, etc.)

Chapter 5 Section 1:

-How Greek geography, topography, and climate influenced the development of Greek culture.

-Greek agriculture, or lack thereof.

-The Mycenaeans conquer the Minoans and in the process are influenced by them in which ways?

-The Mycenaeans, along with the rest of the military forces of Greece were said to have attacked the ancient city of Troy (in what is now Turkey) in what is known as the Trojan War. You must know what evidence is thought to point to the existence of the city of Troy and the possibility of the war itself.

-Who Homer was, what an epic is, what his famous works were.

-Who were the Dorians? Why is so little known about their time period?

Chapter 5 Section 2:

-What were the three types of government in Ancient Greece?

-Details about Spartan education and military training.

-You should be able to compare Spartan culture to Athenian culture.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

World Cultures Final Essay Instructions

World Cultures Students,

Remember that your final essay on the Middle Eastern countries will be due no later than Monday, October 11th and will be worth a total of fifty (50) points.

Upon analyzing the following quote:

"The category of the Other is as primordial as consciousness itself. In the most primitive societies, in the most ancient mythologies, one finds the expression of a duality – that of the Self and the Other...Otherness is a fundamental category of human thought...
Thus it is that no group ever sets itself up as the One without at once setting up the Other over against itself. If three travellers chance to occupy the same compartment, that is enough to make vaguely hostile ‘others’ out of all the rest of the passengers on the train. In small-town eyes all persons not belonging to the village are ‘strangers’ and suspect; to the native of a country all who inhabit other countries are ‘foreigners’; Jews are ‘different’ for the anti-Semite, Negroes are ‘inferior’ for American racists, aborigines are ‘natives’ for colonists, proletarians are the ‘lower class’ for the privileged...
No subject will readily volunteer to become the object, the inessential; it is not the Other who, in defining himself as the Other, establishes the One. The Other is posed as such by the One in defining himself as the One." (Simone de Beauvoir)

What do you understand by the concept of the "Other"? Do you think Middle Eastern countries/citizens have been or are considered the "Other? How, why, when? Give examples. Do you really believe that the concept of "Otherness is fundamental to the category of human thought"? Or do you think it can be overcome? Do you personally believe that before you studied about the countries of the Middle East you might have designated them and their citizens as a type of "Other"? If so, how?

I realize this is a complex assignment. As I said in class, it is much more in tune with the type of assignment frequently given in college. Therefore, I expect excellent essays that should be superior to the level you have already achieved in class. After all, ASJ is a college prep school :) Remember that all the MLA guidelines apply to the essay and the maximum limit is two (2) pages. YOU DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE THE FULL QUOTE, BUT YOU MAY INCLUDE PARTS OF IT.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time. I am also including links to MLA format websites:

Esercizi d'italiano: Le Preposizioni

Completate le frasi con le preposizioni:

1. Vengo spesso _________ Italia __________ vacanza.

2. Aldo viene ______ Napoli ogni fine settimana.

3. Non vengo _______ solo, vengo con Giogio e Valerio.

4. Ezio arriva oggi _______ Venezia ________ in aereo.

5. Stasera veniamo tutti _______ casa tua.

6. Vengo ________ treno e non in macchina.

7. Oggi arriva un amico ________ Londra.

8. Penso ________ venire _________ autobus.

Buona fortuna a tutte, se avete dei dubiti, mi potete scrivere al email. Ciao!
Signorina Dimas

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chapter 3 Test Review

World History Students,

Sorry it took so long to post this up, I've been a lot busier than I thought I would be during the weekend and haven't had the chance to log on. However, as always, the test is only on the material we have discussed in class, you can email me any questions you might have on the material, and I am including a detailed review of what you should be familiar with for the test. Here goes:

1. You should know who the Indo-Europeans and the Indo-Aryans were and where they migrated to.

2. The fact that there is a type "mother language" from which all European languages stem from and that it was spoken by one of the above-mentioned peoples.

3. How the Indo-Aryans (or Aryans) reacted towards the native population of India.

4. What the "Caste System" is and what it is based on.

5. You should be able to compare and contrast the Hindu and the Buddhist religions, in what ways are they similar? How are they different? Refer to what was written on the board in class as well as the information in your textbooks.

6. General biographical knowledge of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

7. How the belief in karma influenced the caste system in India

8. Why Buddhism would appeal more to a certain class of people.

9. What the terms karma, moksha, Enlightenment, nirvana, and reincarnation mean (among others). How is reincarnation in Hinduism different from reincarnation in Buddhism?

10. That Judaism was the first monotheistic religion in the world and that their God is also shared by Christians and Muslims, so it is a founding religion for all of these.

11. Who the "father" of the Hebrew people was.

12. What is a covenant and what between who were the first and second covenants? What was promised?

13. That Hebrew law is based on the Ten Commandments.

14. What the concept of "ethical monotheism" means and how it influences all three mayor monotheistic religions.

15. What the Torah is.

16. Who the Israeli Kings were and what were their mayor achievements.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hello World Cultures students,

Remember that some of you have yet to report on Personal Relationships in Middle Eastern countries. Try to see if you can find specific information on "Haptics" within those countries, which is the proper term for the study of human touch during communication. You can also look up info on their human communication customs themselves.

For tomorrow, bring in information on the Visual Arts, Architecture, Music, Dance, etc. I would also love it if we had the opportunity to appreciate a little bit of the film industry of this area, which is growing and also quite fascinating. Remember to bring audio and/or visual examples of your information.

See you tomorrow,
Ms. Dimas

"The Prince of Egypt" Videos

World History Students,

Here are the promised videos from the film:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sobre Ars Vocalis

Me parece que les había prometido algunos vídeos de nuestra agrupación para que tuvieran una idea de cómo va a ser el concierto de este sábado. Aquí les tengo algunas participaciones del grupo en diferentes programas y en la competencia en Italia:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chapter 2 Test Review

World History Students,

Here is the promised review for the test:

- Study all the social stratification pyramids showing the different social classes of each civilization

- Study the terms and names

- Religious beliefs of each civilization

- Technological inventions and advancements of each civilization, including engineering feats such as the pyramids of the Egyptians and the indoor plumbing of the Indus River Valley

- The rivers around which each civilization established themsleves

- Environmental challenges some civilizations faced and how they coped with them (for example, irrigation ditches in Mesopotamia and building mud walls around the cities to protect the houses from disastrous floods in China)

- The geographical barriers some civilizations had (like mountains or deserts and you should know which civilization is surrounded by what, this is particularly the case of two civilizations, use your maps)

If you have any additional questions, feel free to write me,
Ms. Dimas

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Worl History Exam 1 Review

Here is the review for the World History test this Monday, Aug. 30th:

- Study all terms and names from chapter 1 except for the 5 words in Sec. 3 I mentioned in class.

- What is considered the "prehistoric" period? When does it occur?

- How people lived before and after the development of agriculture.

- What changes were brought about by the development of agriculture.

- What factor is believed to have made the development of agriculture possible?

- What was a common farming technique used during the Neolithic period? How did it work?

- Why prehistoric peoples domesticated animals.

- Who discovered fire? What uses did prehistoric peoples have for fire?

- Main characteristics of Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Cro-Magnons

- Prehistoric priorities

- Characteristics of cities/civilizations

- Uses for prehistoric paintings and art

Good luck to all! If you have questions, feel free to write me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Cave Paintings" Assignment

Hi everyone,

I'm including a few images of prehistoric paintings found inside caverns all around the world. Your job is to analyze what you think is happening in each picture and what you believe the images to represent. Good Luck!




Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Caveman" Assignment

Hi World History students,

Here is the homework assignment for Monday, the 23rd. As promised, it is very short and easy. Here are the instructions:

- Watch the included video and answer the following question:

According to what you can see of his physical characteristics, is the "caveman" in the Geico commercial a Neanderthal or a Cro-Magnon?

*Remember that to now this you must know the physical differences between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. If you did not bring your book home with you, you can always look up this information on the internet.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Esercizio di Coniugazione per Consegnare

Studentesse d'italiano,

Coniugate le seguenti parole in tutte le persone verbali al presente indicativo:


*Ragazze, ricordate che dovete scrivere questo lavoro manualmente, NON AL COMPUTER.

A domani, ciao!
Signorina Dimas

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Citizens of the World" Assignment

Hello to all my World History students,

Herein you will find all the posts related to the "Citizens of the World" Project that we will be working on individually (at home) and as a group (in the classroom).

1) "Passport of the World"
- Remember this must include the above words
- You must design a shield or a drawing of your choice for the cover (in some cases
for the inside pages as well) and you must be able to explain WHY you chose the
symbols you did.
- You must choose the colors of your passport and be able to explain WHY you chose those colors and what they may stand for.
- You must choose the shape and size of your passport.

Later in class we will take a look at all the ideas you have come up with and vote on a final design for the whole classroom. Remember that if you do not consider yourself to be extremely talented at drawing, you have the option of verbally describing all the above mentioned criteria in your notebooks. This may be done in list form or written in a complete paragraph.

2) In class I mentioned writing out a Constitution for our "ideal" world, however, I have reconsidered this part of the project since an entire Constitution is too long and complex of a legal document to write in class, therefore, it would be a better idea to write something more similar to a Bill of Rights. Remember, in one paragraph state some rights you believe all human beings should be guaranteed everywhere in the world.
I am including links to the U.S. Bill of Rights and to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations) so that you may use as models. THIS IS A REQUISITE!!! In order to make sure of this, you are to include at least three (3) of the rights listed in any of these to documents in your own paragraph. You may choose the three that you believe to be most important, the three that you find most interesting, the three you believe to need to be better enforced, etc. Be prepared to defend your selections in class.
We will transcribe this "Bill of Rights" in class.

* That is all for now. Check back with the blog periodically in case there is anything to add. If you have any questions, remember that you may write me at:

U.S. Bill of Rights:

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"What's Going On?" Assignment

To my World History and World Cultures students,

Here are the instructions and questions for the assignment based on the music video "What's Going On?". The video is posted further down on the blog in the "Welcome Back" message, along with the lyrics, which should help you out even more.

Here are the questions:

1) What do you think the blindfolds symbolize?

2) What do you think the words on the blindfolds mean?

3) Look up one (1) news article from any country in EVERY CONTINENT of the world and bring them to class along with your answers to the questions above. You should have a total of six (6) or seven (7) articles. I recommend you use sites such as

The article may be in English or Spanish. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Éxito a todas,
Srta. Dimas

Friday, July 9, 2010

Prontuario del Corso d'Italiano

Academia San José, High School
Villa Caparra, Puerto Rico
Departmento di Lingue Moderne
Signorina Carina E. Dimas; B.A.

Corso d’Italiano Basico Prontuario

Libro dei testi: Magnelli, S. e T. Marin. Nuovo Progetto Italiano, Corso multimediale di lingua e civilità italiana. II Edizione. Edizione Edilingua: Atene, 2006

Descrizione: Questo corso introduttivo d’italiano ha la intenzione di insegnare le prime regole della lingua italiana per sviluppare studentesse con la abilità di conversare in italiano. Questo obiettivo si complirà con lo studio della grammatica, la lettura, e materiali audiovisivi.
Nella lezione anche vedremmo dei film italiani, ascolteremmo musica italiana, mangieremmo del cibo tradizionale italiano, etc.

Alla fine di questo corso la studentessa dovrà:
1. pronunciare correttamente la lingua
2. conoscere la grammatica basica della lingua italiana
3. capire e costruire frasi italiane
4. avere una conversazione basica con persone italo-parlanti

Sito “Web”: Questo corso utilizzerà un sito “web” che ha disegnato la professoressa per funzioni scolastici ed avrà dei videi, documentari, compiti, revisioni del materiale, e guide di studi. L’indirizzo di questo sito è:

La valutazione si dividerà in tre parte uguali:
• 1/3 parte: Esami e Progetti
• 1/3 parte: Partecipazione e Frequenza Scolastica
• 1/3 parte: Prove e Compiti

Regole dell’aula:
1. Tutti i telefonini devono essere messi negli zaini mentre sia l’ora della lezione. Non si permetterà l’uso dei telefonini per fare delle chiamate, neanche per scivere messagi di testo. Le studentesse che non rispettano questa regola saranno responsabili per la consegueza di ottenere dei demeriti.
2. I compiti consegnati in ritardo perderanno punti.
3. Il plagio non sarà MAI tollerato e risulterà nella conseguenza della ottenzione di cinque (5) demeriti per la studentessa.
4. Questo prontuario potrebbe essere modificato secondo il giudizio della professoressa.

World Cultures Syllabus

Academia San José, High School
Villa Caparra, Puerto Rico
Department of History and Social Studies
Miss Carina E. Dimas; B.A.

World Cultures Course Syllabus

Course Description: This course is an investigation course, which consists of the analysis of the concept of culture and of everything that this concept implies. Students will examine different components of worldwide cultures and create a broader perspective of the differences that make up humankind. Through the understanding of studies in “Center” and “Periphery”, and theories on “Otherness”, students are to develop a greater comprehension and appreciation for those whom they consider “different” because of cultural boundaries.

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1.define and explain key terms and gain a greater knowledge of geography
2.discuss the major theories and perspectives in World Cultures and apply them to the analysis of their own cultural contexts
3.become aware of the importance of diplomacy in legal and political issues around the World
4.successfully apply the lessons learned to one’s own cultural context more understanding of cultural and ethnic differences in the classroom and in life

Teaching Strategies: lecture, group discussion, small and large group activities, forums and debates, interactive media resource use, and analysis of films, video clips, and documentaries.

Course Website:
The World Cultures course shares a website with the World History and Italian courses, moderated by the teacher. In this website, students will find videos, documentaries, guide questions, and other resources intended to enhance the classroom experience. The address is the following:

Methods of Evaluation:
The evaluation is divided into three equal parts:
• 1/3 part Assignments and Special Projects
• 1/3 part Class participation and Attendance
• 1/3 part Final Project

Special Notes and Class Rules:
1. All cellular phones MUST BE TURNED OFF (ALL MODES) AND PUT AWAY during class. Absolutely no phone calls or TEXT MESSAGES will be tolerated. Students who do not comply with this rule will have to turn in the device and demerits will be given out.
2. Works handed in late will lose points.
3. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will ABSOLUTELY NOT BE TOLERATED. Any work in which plagiarism is found will receive an automatic F (“0”) and the student will receive five (5) demerits as specified in the school handbook.
4. This syllabus is subject to changes and modifications according to the teacher’s discretion.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome Back Everybody!

I wanted to officially welcome all my previous students back to the newer, better, and updated version of my blog, Cultural Perceptions (previously Cultural Perspectives). I hope you enjoy the changes I've been making keeping all of you in mind.

Remember that this blog is intended for all my classes, World History, World Cultures, and Italian. I extend a very warm welcome to the new Freshmen Class, I can't wait to meet all of you.

Looking forward to an exciting new year together, and for now I leave you with a video I used to love when I was in High School (which was not so long ago, you'll see). I think it still has a very powerful message. Hope you like it!

See you all in class, regards,
Ms. Dimas

Here's the link in case it doesn't open well on the page:

Here are the lyrics to help you out with the assignment given related to the video.

"What's Going On?"

[P Diddy:]
What's Going On

[Jermaine Dupri:]
Tell Me

[P Diddy:]
People Dying
People Crying
Lord help us

Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying

[Gwen Stefani:]
Oh, brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying

[Jermaine Dupri:]
That's Right

[Aaron Lewis:]
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today

[Nona Gaye:]
Oh my father, father
We don't need to escalate

[Backstreet Boys:]
You see war is not the answer

[Nona Gaye/Backstreet Boys:]
For only love can conquer hate

[Christina Aguilera:]
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today

[Britney Spears:]
Barricades, can't block our way

Don't punish me with brutality

[Destiny's Child:]
Talk to me
So you can see

[Destiny's Child/Britney Spears:]
[First Chorus]
Oh what's going on
What's going on
Yeah what's going on
Ahh what's going on

[Ja Rule:]
What's going on in a world filled with pain
Where's the love for which we pray
What's going on
When our children can't play
Homeless can't eat
There's got to be a better way
What's going on
When we politically blind
Can't see the signs of endangered times
What's going on

[Nelly Furtado:]
Ah tell me
What's going on in the world today
I'd rather be dead
Than turn my head away
We gotta first world vision to complete, to lift our
Hands in the air and cry for a switch

[Michael Stipe:]
Father, father

[P Diddy:]
Father help us, come on

[Michael Stipe:]
Everybody thinks we're wrong

[Alicia Keys:]
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Together we can all be strong

[P Diddy:]
United we stand, Divided we fall

Oh you know we've got to find a way

[Mary J. Blige:]
To bring some understanding here today

Barricades can't block our way

[Darren Hayes (Savage Garden):]
Don't punish me with brutality

Baby talk to me
So you can see
[Second chorus]
Yeah, what's going on
Hey, what's going on
Somebody tell me what's going on
I'll tell you what's goin' on-uh

What's going on 'cross seas
Every minute a child dies by this disease
In record numbers indeed
Got momma's crying out please
My baby hold on
My child ain't done nothing wrong
Still I want to holler
Ask them why they don't bother
Oh no, oh no
Make me turn to my father
And ask him why they all got a trapped soul

I can feel what was bothering Marvin
Why his words forever remain
Dealing with these modern day problems
'Cause of ignorance surrounding me and my constituents
Too many infected
Too many lives diminishing
Nobody say Protestants, Jews, Blacks, and Whites, Latinos and Asians
Pray together
Less fight
We better unite
As genocide chemical war
And the rich and the poor
Know that God delivers a cure

It's a shame our reality is devastating
People praying for a cure
Dying while they're waiting
Ask the Lord for the comfort and strength to face it
All the kids with dreams
Won't get the chance to chase it
Makes me sad
Think about the lives they would've had
Think about the orphan babies got no moms and dads
How can we sit back and not try to make it right
We gotta come together
We gotta fight for life

[Fred Durst:]
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
We got human beings using humans for a bomb
But everyone wanna live
Don't nobody really want to die
You feeling me right
I can't be watching people die
And watching people cry
Let me break it down for a minute
If there's enough room here for you and me
There's plenty of room for some humanity

Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)
Somebody tell me what's going on
(what's going on)

World History Syllabus 2010-2011

Academia San José, High School
Villa Caparra, Puerto Rico
Department of History and Social Studies
Miss Carina E. Dimas; B.A.

World History Course Syllabus

Textbook: Beck, Roger B.; World History: Patterns of Interaction. 2003. McDougal Little

Course Description: The course consists of the study of the different cultures, civilizations, movements and events of the world from prehistory to present times.

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. define and explain key terms
2. discuss the major theories and perspectives in World History and apply them to the analysis of current events.
3. become aware of the importance of history in one’s current social context
4. successfully apply the lessons learned through history to one’s current social context
5. be more understanding of cultural and ethnic differences in the classroom and in life

Course Outline:

I. “What is History and why is it important?” Introductory Unit
II. “Where are we currently”?” Examining the Present
III. “Where did we come from?” Exploring the Past
IV. “How did we get here?” Taking a look at the historical events that have formed current society, focusing on the “Western World” and “Civilizations”.

Teaching Strategies: lecture, group discussion, small and large group activities, forums and debates, interactive media resource use, and analysis of films, video clips, and documentaries.

Course Website:
The World History Course shares a website with the World Cultures and Italian courses, moderated by the teacher. In this website, students will find videos, documentaries, guide questions, and other resources intended to enhance the classroom experience. The address is the following:

Methods of Evaluation:
The evaluation is divided into three equal parts:
• ⅓ part Tests
• ⅓ part Quizzes, Assignments and Special Projects
• ⅓ part Class participation and Attendance

Special Notes and Class Rules:
1. All cellular phones MUST BE TURNED OFF (ALL MODES) AND PUT AWAY during class. Absolutely no phone calls or TEXT MESSAGES will be tolerated. Students who do not comply with this rule will have to turn in the device and demerits will be given out.
2. Works handed in late will lose points.
3. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will ABSOLUTELY NOT BE TOLERATED. Any work in which plagiarism is found will receive an automatic F (“0”) and the student will receive five (5) demerits as specified in the school handbook.
4. This syllabus is subject to changes and modifications according to the teacher’s discretion.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Repaso Examen Final: China

Para el examen final sobre China necesitan saber la siguiente información:

  • En qué se ha basado el crecimiento económico del país durante los últimos 30 años.
  • Algunas cosas que utilizamos hoy día en el occidente que le debemos a China, o sea, que China haya inventado
  • El propósito principal del "Cultural Revolution". Por qué Mao quiso iniciar el "Cultural Revolution"?
  • Por qué los estudiantes estaban protestando en Tiananmen Square?
  • Qué resultados o consequencias tuvo la masacre de los protestadores de Tiananmen Square?
  • Por qué, durante la guerra civil China, los campesinos grandemente apoyaron al Partido Comunista? Qué les prometía el Partido Comunista a los campesinos?
  • Quién fue el primer presidente de la China?
  • Cuál es el sistema económico actual de la China?
  • Por qué el gobierno Chino decidió establecer el "One Child Policy"? Qué es el "One Child Policy"?
  • Qué es "Global Interdependence"?
  • Quién fue Deng Xiaoping?
  • Cuánto ha crecido la economía China en los últimos 30 años?
  • Cuáles fueron las consecuencias del "Cultural Revolution"?
  • Qué eran las comunas (communes) que estableció Mao? Cómo se vivía en ellas? Cuál era el próposito de ellas?
  • Cuál es la política actual de E.E.U.U. para con la China?

Si tienen preguntas, siéntanse en la libertad de escribirme o decirme qué dudas tengan mañana durante clase.

Éxito a todas!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Películas para la semana que viene...

Hola a todas:

Les estoy poniendo una lista de las películas candidatas a "screening" la semana que viene durante mi periodo de clase. También les estoy incluyendo links para los cortos de las mismas para ayudarlas a decidir. De esta forma estaré escogiendo la película que les interese ver a la mayoría de las niñas así que es importante que TODAS voten. No dejes que otra decida por ti! Por favor escogan solo UNA y me envían su selección por email ( o lo pueden poner como comentario aquí en el blog. Solo TÍTULOS, NO RAZONES!!! De lo contrario, descalifico tu voto. Ya, a escoger:


The Blind Side

The Great Debaters

Hotel Rwanda



Repaso del Examen Final


Para las estudiantes que deben tomar el examen final, les estaré "posteando" el repaso del examen aquí en el blog probablemente entre hoy y mañana. Recuerden volver al blog para conseguirlo y no se queden sin él. Tanto el lunes como el martes me pueden hacer preguntas sobre el material del repaso.

Estudiantes Excusadas del Examen Final 2010

He aquí la lista de las siguientes estudiantes que se excusan del examen final que será el miércoles, 19 de mayo, 2010. Algunas de ustedes están en el borde de una B alta y una A bajita. Si ese es su caso, hable conmigo el lunes para dejarme saber que quieres tomar el final con el próposito de subir la nota. Si no sales bien en el examen, es posible entonces que no te lo cuente por que lo tomaste opcionalmente, y así no te perjudica la nota final. Felicidades a las escogidas.

Gretchen Abarca
Tatiana Barreto
Carolina Besosa
Carla Cabán
Maureen Canario
Ma. I. Fdez-Ardois
Valerie García
Hilart Melero
Karen Morales
Amanda Pacheco
Marissa Pharel
Daniela Rivera
Mariana Valentín
Chavelly Aboomar
Daniela Albors
Claudia Alonso
Paola Aparicio
María F. García
Camila Infanzón
Cristina Jiménez
Virginia Litovich
Shasty Marrero
Kayleen Montalvo
Natalia Olivencia
Kiara Ortiz
Yurieli Otero
Paola Román
Katerina Sagardía
Michelle Vázquez
Inés Brull
Magdalena Carbonell
Nicole Castrodad
Isabel Claudio
Ma. del Pilar Gómez
Blanche Laino
Karla López
Adriana Martínez
Joi-Ling Menéndez
Adrianna Rodríguez
Ana B. Silva
Nadya Solá
Karina Torres
Kiara Del Llano
Mónica García
Camille Kutbi
Isabel Posada
Paola Rivera
Gabriela M. Rodríguez
Dajanelíz Villafañe

Sunday, April 18, 2010

On the conflicts in Darfur, Vietnam, and Iraq

Hello girls, I am posting up the different videos and webpages we have been using in class for this lesson so that can use them to review for the test next Thursday.

This is the website I was dictating in class to give background information on the Vietnam.

This video compares the war in Iraq with the Vietnam War:

This is the video on the Genocide in Darfur:

I hope these are helpful to you all. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at any time.

Take care,
Ms. Dimas

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Dark Ages

Hello all,

as promised, I have posted up the link to the videos of the Documentary we have been screening in class, "The Dark Ages". Of course this is the link to only the first part and then you must search out the subsequent parts, but they are all located right there with the Related Videos, as you know. Good luck to all, see you in class. Remember to click on the main title of this post and it should redirect you to the YouTube page automatically. Or use this address:

- Ms. Dimas