Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greek Art and Architecture Project

World History Students,

I've been having problems with the blogger website all weekend so I apologize for not having been able to post up the instuctions for the proyect beforehand. I'll understand if a few you of you will not be able to have the project ready by tomorrow, although the majority of you already knew what was supposed to be done as I explained the project in all of the classes except in one. So, taking that into consideration, I am granting the leeway of one extra day (Tuesday)for those of you who absolutely need it.

Here are the instructions:

You are to take pictures of yourselves with structures, buildings, sculptures, and/or statues that you feel have a kind of Greek influence or inheritance in style. Keep in mind the characteristics of Greek art we discussed in class and that were written on the board.

Your are also to explain how you believe those structures, sculptures, etc. have inhereted that Greek influence.

You are to post both the pictures and explanations on a poster board or construction paper to bring to class and show to the rest of your classmates as well as myself.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time.

Take care and good luck!
Ms. Dimas

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