Academia San José, High School
Villa Caparra, Puerto Rico
Department of History and Social Studies
Miss Carina E. Dimas; B.A.
World Cultures Course Syllabus
Course Description: This course is an investigation course, which consists of the analysis of the concept of culture and of everything that this concept implies. Students will examine different components of worldwide cultures and create a broader perspective of the differences that make up humankind. Through the understanding of studies in “Center” and “Periphery”, and theories on “Otherness”, students are to develop a greater comprehension and appreciation for those whom they consider “different” because of cultural boundaries.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1.define and explain key terms and gain a greater knowledge of geography
2.discuss the major theories and perspectives in World Cultures and apply them to the analysis of their own cultural contexts
3.become aware of the importance of diplomacy in legal and political issues around the World
4.successfully apply the lessons learned to one’s own cultural context more understanding of cultural and ethnic differences in the classroom and in life
Teaching Strategies: lecture, group discussion, small and large group activities, forums and debates, interactive media resource use, and analysis of films, video clips, and documentaries.
Course Website:
The World Cultures course shares a website with the World History and Italian courses, moderated by the teacher. In this website, students will find videos, documentaries, guide questions, and other resources intended to enhance the classroom experience. The address is the following:
Methods of Evaluation:
The evaluation is divided into three equal parts:
• 1/3 part Assignments and Special Projects
• 1/3 part Class participation and Attendance
• 1/3 part Final Project
Special Notes and Class Rules:
1. All cellular phones MUST BE TURNED OFF (ALL MODES) AND PUT AWAY during class. Absolutely no phone calls or TEXT MESSAGES will be tolerated. Students who do not comply with this rule will have to turn in the device and demerits will be given out.
2. Works handed in late will lose points.
3. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will ABSOLUTELY NOT BE TOLERATED. Any work in which plagiarism is found will receive an automatic F (“0”) and the student will receive five (5) demerits as specified in the school handbook.
4. This syllabus is subject to changes and modifications according to the teacher’s discretion.
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