Sunday, January 16, 2011

Analyzing Feudal Society Assignment

World History Students,

As you know, you were given an assignment on Friday in which you were to bring to class an explanation of an example (written in your notebooks) taken from a film, story, or fairytale in which the feudal system is present. Think about how the characters of the example you chose fit into the Medieval feudal system, do they belong to the ruling class (kings, queens, princes, princesses, etc.)? Or are they peasants? How is this shown in the story or movie (how can you tell)? If the example takes place in modern times and not the medieval era, how is feudalism represented?

I mentioned a few examples in class such as films pruduced by Disney and countless others. You may write between one to two paragraphs in your notebook for this assignment. On Tuesday, we shall be sharing and comparing the different examples you have brought in during class. Remember, if you have any questions regarding the assignment, please feel free to write me.

I am also including the Feudal Society Pyramid that was on the board on Friday for those of you whom did not get a chance to copy it as well as some additional information resources that I have found to be very useful.

Best of luck to all!


Here is the website the second pyramid was taken from, it includes a very succint and easy definition of the feudal system that may be useful if you still have doubts.

1 comment:

  1. maestra, el ejemplo que hay que dar debe ser de esa epoca? y de ese lugar? o puede ser de otra parte?

    - Coral Carro
