Wednesday, September 30, 2009

World History Students' Assignment for Wednesday, Sept. 30

Hello girls,

As you know, due to the extraordinary circumstances our class is going through and the precautionary measures the school must take, you are to fulfill a set of required assignments in your home and complete them daily. These questions will be counted as a full quiz grade and are compulsory. Today's assignment will be the following:

In your textbooks, Chapter 2, Section 1, pg. 27, there is a question in the margin that you must answer:

"Why was silt so important to the inhabitants of Mesopotamia?"

On pg. 31, another question in the margin:

"How does an empire differ from a city-state?"

Page 32, "Section Assessment", questions number 3 and 4:

"3) What advantages did living in cities offer the people of Ancient Mesopotamia? Do modern cities offer any of the same advantages? Support your answer with references from the text. Think about: characteristics of Sumer's city-states, characteristics of Sumer's economy and society, and the development of organized government."

"4) Do you think that living in a river valley with little rainfall helped or hurt the development of civilization in Mesopotamia? Explain your response."

Section 2, page 34, another question in the margin:

"What was the main difference between the flooding of the Nile and that of the rivers of Mesopotamia?"

This question refers to the documentary you were supposed to have watched for the class on the Ancient EGYPTIAN civilization. Again, here is the URL for the website in which you can find the needed documentary:

According to the documentary "Legacy: Egypt, the Habit of Civilization", what is the mayor difference between the personalities of the Egyptians as a culture and the Iraqis as a culture? How could this have affected their development as a civilization?

Page 35, in the margin:

"Why were Egypt's pharaohs unusually powerful rulers?"

Page 39, in the margin:

"Comparing. How was the status of women similar in Egyptian and Sumerian society?"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. teacher, since my book is pre-owned and does not have much of the pages we need to do work on
    and I can't go to a girl's house so she can lend me her book - what do i do ?
